Saturday, October 30, 2010

Talking To Myself

I wonder how many people who live alone begin talking to themselves. For me, it started out kind of slow with things like, "You're such an idiot!" or "What an idiot!", as I made some foolish move. Now it's more like, "Okay, Pat, what's next on the list?" or "Well, I'd better get moving.". In other words, my conversations with myself are expanding.

Years ago, when I had a dog at my feet and talked to myself I'd just pretend I was talking to him. Now there is no dog or any other living creature in my house so I can't fool myself anymore. Can you be senile if you're cognitive enough to think you might be becoming senile?

Neither my grandparents, whom I grew up with, or my mother talked to themselves as far as I can remember so it's not something that comes to all people as they age. I'm not sure it's particularly something to be concerned about but every senior has an ingrown fear of becoming senile. I keep my mind active and my interests varied which should stave off senility but you never know.

Well, I guess there's nothing much I can do about my mind. It's either going to decline or not and I'll try not to worry about it. Besides, if my mind really goes I won't be aware of it, will I?


Kim said...

Oh my gosh. You should hear how much I talk to my dogs. I am sure my neighbors will hear me at some point and think I'm nuts!! I think it would be horrible to be silent all the time.

patsyrose said...

It is against nature for women to be silent. And you're too young to worry about senility yet...but soon!!