Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Empty Fridge

Now, isn't this a sad sight? I've been using up everything in the fridge the last few weeks in preparation for leaving for Florida and I think I've done well. The only reason the Diet Pepsi is in there is because I had the family over for pizza (delivered) last night and bought it for them. There are a few condiments on the door shelves but sometimes they get thrown away without ever being used.

To be honest, at normal times there isn't much more in the fridge because I eat out an awful lot. No apologies...I hate to cook and I like eating in restaurants. When Marilee visited me in Florida she went into shock when she opened the fridge door and saw very little. Thank heavens she likes restaurants, too.

As long as I have several containers of homemade soup in the freezer I'm a happy lady. Fresh fruit on the counter, canned fruit in the fridge, dry noodle soup in the cupboard, and milk for my coffee...that's a fully stocked kitchen for me. If I had a husband I couldn't do this but I live alone so I can stock my kitchen any way I like.

Kim just took her son, Matthew, in to live with her and she's going to have to change the way she stocks her kitchen because he eats like a horse. I can't even begin to imagine how much it costs to feed a houseful of teenagers or, in Matthew's case, a hulking 24 year old. My grocery bill hovers around $20 per week and my restaurant bills a bit more.

I've been cleaning one or two rooms at a time this week because I like to leave the house in good shape while I'm gone. Tomorrow I wash floors and just maybe go out for lunch.

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