Monday, November 22, 2010

Jake, Buddy, and Me

This is my youngest grandson, Jake, who has just turned 12 years old. With him is his dog, Buddy, who I believe is about 9 or 10 and huge but not too brave. In the picture we're trying to get him to sit up and face the camera but he keeps trying to lay on his back in the subservient position. He's a lovable sissy.

Jake is my daughter Shelley's son and the only one of my grandchildren that I haven't spent much time with so having him with me for a couple of days is a real treat. He's polite, smart, and funny...what more could you ask for in a grandchild? Just spending a couple of days with him alone has helped me understand his little quirks and get to know the deep down "Jake" in a way I already know his sisters and cousins.

Shelley's husband was in the military and they've lived in many different countries since Jake was born so that's why I haven't gotten to know him better. It's a shame because he's my very last grandchild and he means so much to me.

His father brought him and Buddy to my trailer yesterday afternoon so we've only been able to yak over dinner, the ice cream social at the clubhouse, and T.V. It's been an enlightening time for me and I hope for him. He's a wonderful conversationalist and I love getting to know his likes and dislikes. He's interested in learning about the value of old and antique items so we watched "Pawn Stars" together and yakked all through it.

Jake leaves me on Tuesday to go and spend Thanksgiving with another part of the family but old Buddy will stay with me until Saturday. He's the sweetest old dog but he has a touch of arthritis and driving too far is painful for him. He'll be my companion for the week after Jake leaves and I'm very happy about that. I miss having my own dog and I love this old boy a lot. Of course, it will mean walking him to have his giant poops and then cleaning them up but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. It's not such a bad trade-off.

This is my ladies coffee morning and I've been trying to wake Jake up (he's sleeping in the Florida room) and move him to my bedroom at the back of the trailer so he won't be disturbed for a few hours. He's a late sleeper and I've discovered he's also a heavy sleeper because I can't get him up. Oh well, my coffee ladies will arrive at 9 A.M. and our loud chatter on the patio will probably make him drag himself out of the Florida room.

I knew how happy I'd be having Shelley living so close (an hour and a half drive) this year but the benefits are already heaping up. I had lunch with her last Wednesday and will do so all winter and I'll have a chance to make up for lost time with Jake.

I've always spent a lot of one on one time with my grandchildren and that is so important for making them part of your life. You can learn so much about them by just sitting alone with them and letting them talk. If you make that bond, time and distance won't break it.

Well, it's getting close to time to wash the patio chairs for my ladies and plug in the coffee. Life is often as good as you make it.

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