Saturday, December 25, 2010

Holiday Presents or Christmas Presents

I heard on the news this morning that the average American spent $450 on Christmas presents this year. Hmmm! Now, did the economy benefit from people buying "Holiday" presents or "Seasons" presents? NO! Businesses benefited from people having the "Christmas" spirit and buying "Christmas" presents.

Believe me, if the politically correct idiots have their way to take "Christmas" out of Christmas, people will gradually lose their Christmas spirit and stop buying so much at that time of the year. It will drop to a few token presents (which will have a drastic effect on the economy) to nothing. When you consider that stores make their year's profit in December, why would they go out of their way to squash the Chrstmas spirit of buying presents?

Everyone I talk to has the same opinion, anger at what we see as our traditions being trashed. That anger is also directed at the tiny minority that we also see as being responsible for the loss of our long standing traditions. But most of us only feel anger and don't make demands of the people who make up the rules.

It's a helpless feeling knowing that a tiny percentage of the polulation is to blame for taking away one of the finest traditions in our society. Merry Christmas to all who still care.

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