Thursday, December 09, 2010

Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays??

It doesn't seem as though a whole year has passed since I ranted on about the injustice of businesses trying to shove "Happy Holidays" down our throats at Christmas time.

I just heard on the news that 91% of Americans (and I assume Canadians, too) celebrate Christmas. Almost always this means lots and lots of Christmas presents are bought at this time of the year, too, thereby benefiting business establishments. Why would these businesses be stupid enough to downplay the Christmas aspect which, if adopted, would diminish the number of items bought in December to give as presents?

It's not so much the religious slap in the face but the idea that a small contingent of people can destroy our deeply rooted traditions. Why can't their traditions just be added to the present ones without taking ours away? I'd love to learn about and celebrate other traditions.

A few years back a salesperson told me that her boss told her she'd be fired if she said "Merry Christmas" instead of "Happy Holidays". So very, very sad. You would think that in this day of multi-culturalism we'd be embracing each other's traditions instead of trying to eliminate them. Especially because it's the tiny minority trying to dominate the majority of the population.

I stand firm on not spending any of my Christmas money at stores where "Merry Christmas" has been replaced with "Happy Holidays". That is the only way to fight back because we can't count on business owners or operators to see the light without first seeing their profits hurt.

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