Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Lost Days

Elizabeth Edwards passed away yesterday and she left a legion of women who identified with her, women who had cheating husbands or suffered from breast cancer. She was a heroine who played out her last days with grace and she is to be admired for that if nothing else.

One of the things she said to an interviewer was that there were days she couldn't get out of bed because her world was so devastated at the time. Most, if not all, of us can identify with that, too.

Being under the covers and shutting out all that hurts us can be too compelling to resist. The world can be a dangerous and hurtful place and sometimes we need all of our resources to face it. Days like that are lost to us forever if we give in to the temptation to hide from it all.

I've found that the sheer willpower to stand firm and face whatever crap is being tossed at you is the very act that can make you strong enough to survive. Hiding or backing down from adversity only weakens you.

Elizabeth Edwards had more crap to deal with than most of us ever will and she took the high ground. She placed her children first and foremost and that's how she survived as long as she did. The cancer turned out to be tougher than she was, though.

We should never waste any of the days we are given. Live them to the fullest, find enjoyment wherever it can be found, and form serenity in your soul.

Update on my car: I put some kind of additive into the tank yesterday that is supposed to clean it and remove any water and then I filled the tank with premium gas. It's running next to perfect today. Life is good!

1 comment:

Kim said...

Cancer is almost always stronger than us and that's why you have to hang on tight to the good stuff. Glad your car is better