Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Kim Has Pneumonia

I'm here in Tampa visiting with Shelley and yesterday afternoon we got the news that Kim has been hospitalized with pneumonia. My insides turned to ice as I heard that my child is sick enough to be in the hospital and I'm 1200 miles away. Thank heavens for nurse Shelley because she was able to waylay my fears and help to put a rational picture together of what was happening.

My mind has been filled with how I'll go about getting back to Canada and whether I should fly or drive. Since Shelley keeps in touch with the hospital and Kim's condition, I've now decided that I'll drive up (first it was to be tomorrow but if Kim remains stable, then I'll wait until Thursday to drive up with Shelley). We keep getting continual updates from Matt who stays close to his mother's side, god bless him, and so far it looks okay. Shelley knows the medication and the frequency so she can tell how bad Kim is and if we should be worrying.

Speaking of worrying, Kim told me not to worry. Silly woman. She's my baby and I'll worry about her until the day I die so she'll just have to put up with it.

I feel more relieved today than I did yesterday but I won't be comfortable until we see a distinct improvement. If we don't see that by Thursday, we'll be heading north.

Today I'll go back to the trailer to pack and prepare to leave. I'm thinking it will be for a 2 week trip just to make sure Kim is on the mend. Kids, they never stop worrying you, do they?

Update: I spoke to Kim at 1 P.M. and she sounds so darned good compared to the way she sounded yesterday. The antibiotics have begun to clear up her lungs, thank heavens, and it shows clearly in her voice. Now Shelley and I are hoping Kim's wonderful boss, Larry, will let her come down to Florida for a week of recuperation once she's out of the hospital. We hope!!

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