Saturday, March 26, 2011

Flowers Take Your Mind Off The Heat

I'm starting to complain about the heat. 90 degrees is too hot for me to feel comfortable and it means I'm spending more time indoors. There are a few nice things about the heat, though. One is that my trailer is surrounded by colorful flowers and the other thing is that it isn't snowing.
I would really love to live in a climate where the days never got higher than 75 and the nights cooled to 50-60. I also would like the sun to shine every day. Florida really is the sunshine state and most days are sunny.
Today I have to go out and buy something for the sun blisters or cold sores on my lip. I don't know how in the world I got them because I almost always keep my face out of the sun. In any case, they're there and they look awful. I'm tormented by various skin problems and many of them are directly related to too much sun in my youth. Now that I'm an old gal, I understand how deadly too much sun exposure on your skin can be and I take precautions.
I saw some more pictures of my sweet baby, Nolan, and I'm ready to plow my way through the snow that still blankets my home to get to him. I just wish he was a cuddler so I could hold him close for hours. His baby brother, Nash, is too young to fight me off so I'm going to get my cuddling in one way or another, though.
Today we're having a park provided barbecue with music from 3-7. I guess that means my group can still play cards tonight and that's a good thing because most of them will be leaving by the end of the month. I hate to see them go but many will be at the reunion in July so that helps.
Right now I'm going shopping in some air conditioned stores for a couple of hours. My credit card is taking a beating this month but I won't have any lot rent to pay all summer so it's okay. At least, that's what I tell myself!

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