Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I sure wish I'd had a computer when I was in depression years back. I posted on Facebook the other day that I needed a hug and got so many replies from friends that it really did make me feel better. I could picture each person's sweet and friendly face as I read what they'd posted for me and it brought my spirits up.

Writing this blog is also a great source of comfort because it helps me get my feelings straight. As I write, I consider just how an incident has affected me. Most often I realize that I can handle whatever my problems happen to be.

I grew up in a family that never hugged. I remember the first hug I received from one of my grown daughters (Shelley) and how surprised I was. It seemed to open a door for me and I forced myself to start hugging, too. Now I'm the best hugger you might come across because it just feels so good to have that friendly contact.

I get most of my hugs in Florida because my park members are great huggers. It never fails to brighten my moment when a friend gives me a hug just because they like me. It means so very much to me. Never underestimate the power of a hug because sometimes it means more than you'll ever know.

It's easy to hug a child because they're so open to affection but we adults often feel uncomfortable with that contact. That's how I was until Shelley reached out to me and changed my world. I've noticed how a few of my friends give tentative hugs because they haven't reached the comfortable stage yet. And then there are the ones who deliver a joyful friendliness with their hugs...I love those!

So hug a friend, hug a loved one, or give yourself a symbolic hug today. You'll feel better for it.

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