Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Swedish Weaving Afternoon

Faye, Donna, and I met at the senior center for lunch and then came back to my place to do our Swedish weaving. Donna was starting a new project, Faye was just finishing one off, and I was starting the embroidery stitch at the bottom of Aeron's afghan.

Every time I use that embroidery stitch, I mentally thank Candy for showing us how to do it. It is the nicest way to finish off the hem just above the fringe and gives the whole project an upscale look. I'll post pictures when it's all finished.

I still haven't quite finished the afghan from hell but will finish it first before sewing up the edges on Aeron's so I can do both together. Then it will be on to Nicole's. Sitting on my butt weaving pretty colors of yarn through monk's cloth suits me just fine because I'm naturally lazy. I'm accomplishing something of value while not expending a heck of a lot of energy.

It's nice to get back to a regular Swedish weaving day. All winter we had our day on Thursday but here at home we've chosen Tuesdays. I'm not near as busy here as I am in Florida so I expect to complete at least 3 afghans this summer. No problem if I don't, though, because the length of time it takes to finish one is of no importance. Each stitch is made with love and that's all that counts.

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