Sunday, April 24, 2011


It was words that should not have been spoken that put me in this funk. Words don't always convey what a person is truly thinking and feeling and that is half the problem with many of us. We put our foot in our mouths and leave everlasting hard feelings where none were meant to be.

Once spoken, some harsh words will take on a life of their own and lay within our brains, ready to spring forward unexpectedly and hurting us all over again. Then there are the sweet, loving words that can do exactly the same thing but soothing instead of hurting us.

I received an e-mail from a good friend today and her loving words made me feel good again. She'd read my blog and thought my sadness was from being away from all of our friends in Florida and wanted to let me know she cared. Where would we be without good family and friends?

It's a dreary, wet and cloudy day today and that won't help my mood. But I get to see my precious greatgrandbabies tonight and that certainly will. I'll be sure to tell them how much I love them. "Love" is one of the best words anyone can use.

Note: I had so darned much fun with Nolan and got to cuddle for a good long time with Nash. My mood is the best it's been in over a week. I have to say that the calm gentleness that exuded from Nash's little body seemed to enter mine and heal me from within. He's really a special little baby, such a quiet and calm little boy. It will be interesting watching him grow up.

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