Monday, April 25, 2011

The Cuddle Cure

Yesterday I had Easter dinner at Kim's house with Nick, Natasha, Nolan, and Nash. Of course, Nolan was our main source of entertainment and had us laughing and watching in amazement as he scurried around. I'd forgotten how often a 21 month old child stops to examine something, learning who knows what as we watch them. It thrills me to death to watch this miracle.

But it was Nash who made my day. He's only 2 months old but has this quality that I noticed the first time I saw him. He's serene. I spent a lot of time just cuddling him to me and I swear his calmness of nature seeped right into me and soothed me in a way that's hard to explain. Nolan wasn't like that at this age. He exuded a strong energy and you just knew he was going to be the ball of fire that he is but Nash is different. He's a peaceful baby and that's what he passed on to me yesterday.

It will be interesting to see if this remains his character as he grows up.

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