Saturday, May 21, 2011

He's Perfect

I looked after Nolan for a few hours this afternoon and he was a perfect child as usual. I'd yard saled in the morning and bought him a little workbench for the backyard and he loved cost $1. We filled his dumptruck with water and he washed his hair and tummy and then spent 20 minutes pushing it around the tree. What a great attention span he has!

I must have taken 50 pictures of him but he was always on the move so the above is the best of the lot. The bottom picture was taken when I put his bowl on my head. This seems to be the only way to get his sweet little face in a picture.

We played outside on this gorgeous warm and sunny May day for a couple of hours but I knew he needed an afternoon nap so, at 3 P.M., I told him to pack his stuff away and we'd go inside for a nap. He cleaned everything up and willingly came inside. I dressed him again and put him up on the sofa with one of his cars and he was asleep within 10 minutes. Did I say he's perfect?

This child who carries my genes means so much to me. I want him to remember me as an elder who loved him with all her heart. It's very important to know you're loved and the more who love you, the more blessed you are.

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