Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Looks Like Snow

I took this picture of the deck just a few minutes ago, around 8 P.M. It's funny how much this looks like snow but it's really just the cherry blossoms that fell out of my neighbor's tree. If it ever stops raining I'll get rid of them with the leaf blower.

Note: Lisa brought me some interesting cable information that wasn't shown to me at the cable company. It showed that I could get most of my programs plus internet and phone for $100 per month. So I went back over to the cable company and stood in a long line before being able to ask a clerk what I would lose if I accepted this program. She was very informative and carefully explained it all to me. It turned out that I'm paying for channels that I never watch so I took the $100 program less the faster internet and plus one group of channels that I often watch and it ended up costing me the full $100 plus taxes. I'll be saving close to $30 per month after all is said and done. The biggest thing I eliminated were the movie channels and the sports channels, no loss at all to me. This all came with the bonus of having the rate frozen for 3 years. Whoopee!

Thanks again, Lisa!

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