Wednesday, May 18, 2011


A man murders his ex-wife, stabbing her repeatedly and then almost severing her head from her body. Where do men like this get the idea that they have the right to murder a woman they once loved but who no longer wants them?

A young man (20 years old) on a skateboard decides it would be wise to ride it on a busy street right into a busy intersection and is run into and killed by an unsuspecting car driver. Where did he get the idea that he could do whatever he wanted with immunity?

A mother gives her 8 year old daughter Botox to erase a few unwanted lines, hoping this will enhance her chances to be an 8 year old beauty queen. Why does she think she has the right to inject poison into her child?

A young woman driving 75 miles an hour on a highway takes time to send text messages and loses control of her car. Where did she get the idea that the missile she was driving didn't need her full attention?

A powerful and important elderly man chases down an underling to forcibly satisfy his sexual urges. Where did he get the idea that he has more rights in this world than the next person?

Is this a fatal flaw in all human beings that we never really get over the idea that we're the center of the universe and the world should bow to us? Do we really all believe in our hearts that we are unique and exceptional with the entitlement of doing whatsoever we choose? I do believe that most of us feel this way but understand that there are rules and laws that make us behave in a civilized manner. Just think what hell on earth it would be with no laws to keep us reined in.

I'm not saying that most of us are violent, just that most of us are egotistical in our self importance. We might not act out in selfishness but we'd like to. For instance, yesterday I stood in a long line and wished I could just walk up to the front and get my business done quickly. I wonder if I would have if I didn't know that it was wrong and that the other people ahead of me in line would justifiably raise hell. We need laws to keep the world running smoothly or else there would be chaos every day everywhere. Human beings are inherently self absorbed.

Why else would I be writing this blog? LOL!

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