Monday, May 16, 2011


What with the constant rain and cold winds, you'd almost think it was early April instead of mid May. It's getting me down a bit but not as much as I would think. At least the rain is doing wonders for the lush greenery that is emerging everywhere. I especially love the canopy of tree branches that spread across the back deck and make it look like a forest retreat.

The few flowers I've planted so far, geraniums and violets, are still alive but the violets are looking kind of wilted from the cold. Geraniums are very hardy and the only thing that seems to affect them adversely is frost. I'm hoping and praying that the weather doesn't deteriorate that far!

The cable company is coming this morning to do something...I don't know what and I'm just too confused by them to care much any more. They've changed the way they bill you and my new cost was going to be about $150 per month for T.V., internet, and phone. I cancelled call waiting which saved me about $4.00 and now my new bill will be just over $152 per month. I am so utterly confused. When I was over paying my bill, the office was full of people equally confused. It seems this is the new way for companies to enhance their profits...confuse us until we give up and pay whatever they ask. This works especially with us seniors.

I came out of the office considering going back to Bell but Faye is really fed up with Bell and is considering using cable. See what they do to us!!

Well, other than having the cable people do something to my service today, it's a free day with nothing else to worry about. I can play on the computer, do weaving, read a book, or watch mundane T.V. I just can't play in the garden, not until the weekend from what the weatherman tells us.

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