Saturday, May 07, 2011

Saturday Morning

Saturday mornings used to be hectic for me because I'd be waking early and rushing off to yard sales. Nowadays I still wake early but spend the morning playing on the computer and tidying up. I realized this morning that I need to start receiving the newspaper, though, because that's part of any morning...sipping coffee and reading the news. I kind of balked at renewing my subscription because it's a downer to read about all the nasty stuff going on in the world but I'm feeling out of the loop by not knowing what's happening.

It rained a bit last night so my nice clean deck has a sheen of dampness on it. It looks so darned nice! I wonder if it would hurt to plant a few pansies...they tolerate any cold temperatures we might still get. Yes, that's what I'll buy today and plant. I knew I'd have to!

It's very quiet in the house because I have no T.V. on as I usually do. It's just me sipping my coffee and tapping on the keyboard. Soon I'll have to get myself moving, though, because my huge job today is to plant a few pansies and maybe buy that African Violet that I've been wanting for the house. Then it will be a domino game tonight at Faye's with her and Gary, Donna and Frank.

Life is good.

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