Friday, June 03, 2011

Evening With Nolan

Nolan's Mommy is practicing for a play she's in at her church so I got to spend a few hours last evening with my favorite 23 month old greatgrandson. He behaved absolutely perfectly as he always does and he was a joy to have around the whole time he was here.

If I have one complaint, it's that I took about a hundred pictures of him and most were of his back as he walked away or of his head deep down in concentration with one of his toys. I desperately wanted to capture that sweet face and gorgeous eyes in a photo.

Nolan loves his cars and spent pretty well the whole time in play and using his imagination with them. I'd really love to know why little boys are so fascinated with cars and little girls prefer dolls. Maybe it's what we provide for them and steer them towards.

Nolan arrived at 6:30 P.M. which is just a half hour before his bedtime but I'd been given permission to let him stay awake as long as he wanted. He finally started to crash at 8:30 but those gorgeous blue eyes remained mostly open until his Mommy arrived at 9:30 and he greeted her with a huge smile and hug. All evening I'd gotten lots of smiles but not one hug. I guess mommy's are preferred to gg's.

He chattered away to me in some mysterious language that I didn't always understand but he never became frustrated, just wandered off to find a toy he'd momentarily misplaced. It will be wonderful to have him speak so that I can understand him but that's not too far away. Babies grow up so fast and it's important to cherish each step of the way and not wish those baby years gone too soon.

I still see his Daddy in that dear little face and it brings back memories of when he was that age. Nolan is his own self, though, and I love him immensely. I think he'll grow up to be a very intelligent but cheerful soul because that's all I've seen with him so far. He's pretty well perfect.

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