Friday, June 17, 2011

Father's Day

Early humans knew that the way to choose a mate was to choose one that would be the best person to rear children with. That was an inborn drive necessary to protect and propogate the species. Women today still carry that drive but it's gotten a bit skewed. Maybe we've chosen financial ability or sexual attraction instead of father material.

Women now seem to want a man who will make them happy, with all other considerations secondary. I don't really see anything wrong with this but sometimes a man who makes us happy can be a lousy father. In fact, he might not be mature enough to even want to be a father, hence the number of men who run for the hills when a baby or two arrive.

I certainly lucked out with my husband even though the furthest thing from my mind when I met him was his fathering abilities. But he took to fatherhood like a duck to water, nurturing and teaching his offspring until his final days. Dennis didn't change diapers or bathe babies because that wasn't expected back in the day but he loved to play with his children, often using the play time as a chance to teach them in the process.

This Father's Day my daughters will remember their father as one of the best and they'll always be grateful that he'd been their Dad. Lucky girls!

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