Monday, June 13, 2011

Feeling Old

It makes sense that you feel much older if you're in pain...and you look it, too. My knees have been giving me trouble for a few years now and I just hate how feeble I feel when I can't walk without pain. The left knee was hurting pretty badly, enough to send me to an orthopedic surgeon last year but he said it wasn't bad enough to require surgery. That made me feel like a whimp but that's okay. I is what I is!

All winter the left knee pain would come and go, mostly just twinges now and then but the right knee let me know it was there once in a while, too. A few weeks ago I did some yard work and it wasn't until I came inside that my right knee started screaming. And it screamed every day since then. Yesterday I took one anti-inflamatory pill and my right knee shut up.

I haven't been sleeping well for the past week and I know it was the knee pain that kept waking me up. Last night I took a Tylenol PM, slept for 9 straight hours and woke up feeling 10 years younger. My knee isn't hurting and I've had a good night's sleep.

I do consider myself lucky that my body has held out as well as it has since I never took care of it. If I had it to do over again, I would have realized that my body is what will carry me around all my life and I would have taken damn good care of it. The little I can do now won't erase the hardships I've put it through but it might carry me for a few more years yet. I really do love this time of my life and I just want to exist pain free as much as possible. My mind is at peace and my knees are behaving themselves so life is good!

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