Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Bridesmaids

Kim and I went to see "The Bridesmaids" last night and I thought it was hilarious. Of course, there were lots of sex scenes which, although sometimes vulgar, just added to the hilarity of the film. It had me laughing enough that I wouldn't mind seeing it again.

I don't go to many movies anymore because it's hard for me to sit through anything boring or vicious. I used to love scary movies but they're so filled with blood and gore anymore and not really frightening at all, just stomach turning. So I by far prefer a movie that will make me laugh.

When I was a young girl, my friends and I would actually choose a Saturday movie where we knew there would be boys in the audience. We'd pay our 15-25 cents and enter what really was an architecturally beautiful theatre (the old ones were a work of art) and sit through the movie twice if we felt like it. The bonus was meeting up with some interesting boys while we were there.

I loved the old musicals and mysteries but my favorites were always the scariest ones. They were filled with anti-climaxes that had nothing to do with sex, just good acting and directing. The last movie that gave me that sort of thrill was "Jaws" but I've walked out on a few that resorted to using savagery and bloodshed to scare the audience.

Nowadays, I won't waste my time on a movie unless I'm assured that it will make me laugh. I like to leave the theatre with a smile on my face and a good feeling in my soul.

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