Saturday, June 04, 2011

Saturday Morning

It's Saturday morning and the skies are seriously darkening as I type. This is the time I like to watch home improvement shows on T.V. but none seem to interest me this morning. It seems a big thing nowadays is to put your laundryroom on the second floor where the bedrooms usually are. I would much more approve of a main floor laundryroom so I could attend to the laundry and carry on with daily life on the same floor instead of running up and down stairs.

I do enjoy these programs, though, because they give me all sorts of ideas for things I can do or could have done. I'm not about to do anything too drastic with this house now because it won't be mine in a few years and the new owners can do as they please. I'm relatively content with the status quo with only a few changes in mind.

I'd thought of maybe going yard saleing this morning but the impending rain has put a stop to that so I guess it will be Swedish weaving. I've neglected Nicole's afghan for the last few days and it's time to get busy on it. One of these days I'm going to tackle my sewing room, too, and sort out things (mainly fabric) for a yard sale of my own.

Now I'm hearing the rumble of thunder. I've always been nervous about thunder and lightening because my grandmother told me a horror story about a bolt of lightening coming straight through an open window of her parent's house and starting a fire. I'm not so nervous in a closed up house but hate it when the lightening bursts close by. It always amazed me that my dog, Corky, had no fear of thunder and lightening but was terrified of the sound of firecrackers. My guess is that one of his previous owners scared him with a firecracker and he never forgot.

We're all the sum product of everything we've experienced our whole lives and it's wonderful how we can rearrange our experiences so that they don't ruin us. It's all in the attitude, isn't it? Just another way of saying, "make lemonade out of lemons". That's the attitude I've chosen.

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