Thursday, June 02, 2011

To Do List

No, not for me to do but for my good, old handyman! I called him this morning, assuming he was back from his trip to England and he was. I asked him when he was going to get started on my jobs and he said in a week...or so. Hmmm! I love this guy because he's honest and doesn't gouge me but he sure is hard to get started on any job he does for me. I can see another phone call to him being needed in a week...or so.

Every once in a while I think it might be a good idea to look for a new husband, one who is a good handyman but then I give myself a shake and realize that an old handyman might not be interested in my list of jobs. Then I'd be stuck with some old guy who won't do what I married him for.

In years past, I would get my jollies from glancing at good looking men. These days, I sigh after any man wearing a tool belt. Unfortunately, they're usually young enough to be my son or grandson.

Dennis, with prodding and nagging, would do most of my handyman jobs but only finished to about 95% before he totally lost interest and thought it was done good enough. My part in any of the work he did was just to clean up after him so I couldn't complain too much about that last 5% he neglected. If he'd had his way, we would have moved into this house and never done one thing to improve it. Some men are like that. They're content with what is and don't have the ability or interest to see what could be.

Oh well, my front steps might look like a fatal case of leprosy but my garden looks nice. I'll have to settle for that for a week...or so.

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