Thursday, July 21, 2011

6 Years

No, I didn't forget. I just wasn't going to write another blog about Dennis' passing but I saw my daughter's comments on Facebook this morning and felt their still palpable pain at losing their father. It's been 6 years and I can still envision him, alive and strong and determined, as though he could still make it back into this world if he chose to do so.

His biggest legacy was his children, 3 daughters who loved and respected him above all others and who miss the wisdom he had to offer them. There is just too much unfairness that they had to lose a father like this too soon.

His brother, Wayne, called me as he usually does each year on this day and we spoke a few words about what a great guy Dennis was. We don't cry like we used to in the early years but we understand that the tears are still hanging on inside our hearts. Personally, I try to let the day go by without focusing on it because the unfairness of his dying still makes me angry. And it's a futile anger because what is done is done. I leave my girls to comfort themselves and they do it well without me.

6 years. I hope he's somewhere nice.

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