Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Better Parenting

A 6 year old boy was killed at 9:30 last night as he drove his bike off the sidewalk onto the road. This was something that should never have happened because a 6 year old child should not be out riding his bike at that time of night. The first thought is, where were his parents? They'll have to live with loss of a child and also the anger of the public that they allowed this little boy to run free on a dark summer night.

We all make mistakes and this is a brutal one. Maybe the child slipped away while his parents were talking to friends. Maybe he was under the care of a careless babysitter. No matter what the fault, this little 6 year old boy is dead and nothing can change that.

Children are carefree and just don't realize the dangers that surround them. I just saw a T.V. video that shows there was a stop sign at the corner where the boy was killed and now I'm wondering if the driver stopped properly or only slowed down as many of us do, me included. We drivers do take too many chances when driving our vehicles because we get away with our carelessness almost all of the time. I'm sure that driver never expected a little boy on a bike to come roaring in front of him at 9:30 at night but both of them lost the gamble last night.

Accidents happen so fast even if we're abiding by all the rules so we need to exercise more caution when we're driving a vehicle capable of delivering serious harm to anyone or anything it runs into. The accident last night was one that so easily could have been avoided if, especially, the 6 year old boy had been properly supervised. There's no escaping that fact.

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