Monday, August 29, 2011

Aeron's Blog

Cindy and Don had a barbecue yesterday so that our immediate family could meet his children. Not only were we able to form a nice bond between us but it turns out that Don is excellent on the barbecue.

Don has 3 sons who are as nice as they can be, friendly and polite, who could ask for more. They seem to have a really nice relationship with their father, too, and that says a lot about a divorced father.

Don's son, Matt, brought his 4 month old black Lab, Luke, and we were all amazed at how calm and intelligent this young pup was. He will no doubt grow up to be a fabulous animal because he's showing signs already.

Now for the Aeron part. We had nice and easy conversations going all afternoon among the different generations but Aeron's went something like this...yak, yak, yak, sorry Gramma, yak, yak, yak, sorry Gramma, etc., etc., etc. The reason being that she sprinkles in too many "F" words while she's talking. It sounds just awful coming from that outrageously beautiful face. I noticed the same from a few of our young people yesterday and thought how sad that these intelligent young folk dirty their language up with that word so often.

Cindy had baked and prepared a terrific barbecue for us all and she'd way overdone the portions so there was a lot left. I brought home some roasted potatoes and pork tenderloin for my dinner tonight. The desserts were so good but I didn't dare bring any of them home. Not good for me!

I love family get-togethers, partly because I believe that every time we're together the bond grows stronger. I don't see enough of Tyson, Kyle, and Aeron but then I don't see enough of any of my grandchildren. I love them so very much and I think they must know that by now. It was wonderful for me to have spent as much time as I did with them when they were younger because not many grandparents have the time or opportunity to do that. I lost out on that with Lisette, Nicole, and Jake because they always lived so far away.

I can picture Aeron's beautiful face with the most beautiful smile in the world and I'm trying not to think about her potty mouth. I love her.

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