Sunday, August 28, 2011

Touch of Fall

There is a definite touch of fall in the early morning air these days. It always seems to make it's appearance in late August when some of us are getting tired of hot days...I say "some of us" because I know there are people who thrive in hot weather all the time.

It's perfect sleeping weather and I'm still sleeping with the windows open wide. I got a little cool around dawn so maybe it's time to put the quilt back on the bed. It's sat neatly on a side chair since some time in early July, waiting for cooler weather when it would be needed.

Just as the hot air of summer makes us lethargic, the cooler days of fall make us energetic, ready to handle all those chores we put off because we couldn't handle working in heat and humidity. Of course, winter cold is what follows those lovely fall days and that's when I once again head to the warmth of Florida. This year I'll be leaving later than usual because of my lip surgery and Kim's surgery. We both need to be well on the mend before I venture down south.

Cindy is having a barbecue this afternoon for her and Don's family. He seems like such a nice man and they appear to be very happy together. I guess time will tell and I'll just hope it all works out in the end. Good relationships depend on a lot of things but the most important one is caring enough about the person you're with that you consider their wants and needs above your own. That's a lot easier said than done because other factors can color your actions.

Well, it's now time for me to do something useful. I spend/waste a lot time in the mornings playing on the computer. And that's okay.

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