Saturday, August 27, 2011

Quiet Saturday Morning

I crawled out of bed after 8 A.M. this morning which is very unusual for me but I knew I didn't have a busy day ahead of me so it didn't matter.

Matt and Sandra came by with a Tim Horton's coffee for me and picked up the afghan I'd made for them. They loved it like I knew they would. Sandra is so sweet and I really hope they make it as a couple. They seem so happy together that I'm sure they will.

They were on their way to buy a new car for Sandra and it worries me that they don't have someone older and wiser with them. I told them not to make any firm decisions today but to go home and decide over the next few days. I can't do them any good at all by going with them to the car dealership because I know nothing about cars or how to wrangle the price. When I buy a car again it will be with Cindy's help.

Faye dropped over, too, with the pictures she'd taken of her last 2 afghans. They didn't do justice to the real beauty of the finished products but I put them on my "Swedish Weaving" blog ( so anyone interested could see more examples of our craft. I had to figure out how to scan the pictures and get them on the blog and you'd better believe my brain was on fire. It's really difficult for me to learn new things on the computer but I think it keeps my brain active, anyway.

Now I'm just playing on the computer and killing time before going grocery shopping later this afternoon. Right now, the stores will be filled with families who don't have the luxurythat I do of shopping through the week. But I need fruit in the house so I'm braving the grocery store today.

The day is sunny and warm with a light breeze. Life is good.

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