Friday, August 26, 2011

Improving or Deteriorating?

I wish I'd had half the confidence when I was younger that I do now. I often find myself talking to strangers many places I go and I'm not sure if this is a good thing or if I'm becoming a chatty old lady.

I think I first started to question myself last winter when I gave detailed Swedish weaving lessons to perfect stangers in the Walmart fabric aisle. It doesn't matter that they all stopped me and questioned what I was using the fabric and yarn for that I had bought, it just kind of makes me think I went too far with my spur of the moment training session.

I went to the casino today and wasn't in there 5 minutes before getting into a conversation with a lady and her husband about skin cancer. I informed them that her husband who has skin cancer can have it treated by a cosmetic surgeon and OHIP will pay for it. Now, where do I get off giving medical and financial advice to people I don't know?

While at the casino, I had conversations with many other gamblers but they really did talk to me first. Because I'm a senior, I have no fear that the men I talk to will think I'm a loose woman. LOL!

No-one wants to be bothered by a chatty old lady who won't shut up and go away so I'm going to have to learn to be quiet once in a while instead of spouting off whatever I'm thinking. I'll try to save myself for my blog.

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