Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Lovely Morning

I woke up this morning feeling refreshed but I still can't get myself motivated to do any work. We're expecting a rainstorm and the winds are pretty wild right now but the air is warm and summery still.

I have a couple of projects I should look after but I just feel so lazy. Matt's afghan is finished and only needs the side hems stitched and I'm very close to finishing Mary's tablecoth. I'll probably sit on my butt and work on it for a while until I feel like doing something else. I want to go out for lunch but my stitched up lip looks too gross to inflict on other diners.

I guess I'm lucky that there really isn't anything pressing for me to do and I can afford the luxury of doing nothing but it doesn't feel nice. I feel like I'm wasting time and that makes me feel guilty...just not guilty enough to do actual work. I know it's the problem with my lip that's making me put so much on hold. My personality is such that I tend to do that until the problem is taken care of before I really get on with my life. Another personality what!

Marilee messaged me while I was on Facebook this morning playing games and we caught up a bit. She's going to Florida for the month of March and I'm really looking forward to having her there. I sure have been blessed with having some wonderful sisters-in-law.

I'm just looking out on the deck to where I moved a gorgeous pot of variegated impatiens/sweet potato vine so I could see it better and the damned wind has beaten the living bejeezus out of it. Could my timing be any worse? I hope it hasn't killed the poor thing.

Oh well, time to do some work...maybe.

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