Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Matt & Sandra's Swedish Weaving Afghan

This was done in record time because I spent so much time indoors during the hot weather. I'm very happy with the way it turned out, too. Matt insisted on the short fringe on the bottom and, because it was already in place, I couldn't do the embroidery stitch which is supposed to go above the fringe with the zigzag stitching above that. Matt said that the longer fringe would itch his nose when he was napping.

I used the ecru monk's cloth with 3 different yarns...turquoise, turquoise variegated, and dark brown. It was good to have the plain dark brown where it outlined the pattern, too. The variegated yarn added some brilliance, too.

On reaching the end, I had to fill in and chose a completely different border pattern which lined up with the center pattern. I also adjusted it a bit to my liking.

I'm sure they'll be happy with the afghan and I know they'll appreciate the love that goes along with it.

1 comment:

HepcatMama said...
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