Saturday, August 06, 2011

Stepping Out of the Way

This is pretty trivial but it came up in conversation the other day. We Canadians are known for our over-the-top politeness and I'm fully aware that my initial reaction if someone bumps into me is to say that I'm sorry, even though I wasn't the one who did the bumping.

I don't know if it was Mary or Faye who mentioned that she always stepped out of the way if someone was walking towards her on a collision course and I agreed that I did that, too. Just mentioning that little fact got our backs up and we began to take notice of how often it happened. Moments later, Mary did a quick jump back because a lady was about to bang into her. It really is true that too many people expect "us" to get out of their way and that's out and out rudeness.

Our only recourse is to stand our ground, though, and maybe get hurt in the process so it just might not be worth our while to get stubborn. Still, it does make you wonder about why so many people have such terrible manners and are so darned self centered that, as adults, they still think they're the center of the universe and the only one who counts.

It all boils down to how you've been raised and the manners you've learned. Respect for others seems to be a little low on the totem pole these days and I kind of yearn for the days when elders were always treated with respect. It's so nice when it does happen, though, and it warms your heart.

From now on, when I'm about to be mowed down by some ignorant ass, I'll step out of their way and send nasty thoughts at them. Self preservation comes first!

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