Saturday, September 10, 2011

9/11 10 Years Later

Just as we should never forget the horrors of the holocaust, we should never forget the insanity of September 11, 2001 when the United States was viciously attacked by suicidal terrorists.

That a small group of religious fanatics who I'm sure believe in their god with all their hearts could even think to climb on an airplane loaded with innocent men, women, and children and deliberately cause that plane to crash is beyond my comprehension. And not only to take the innocent lives on the plane but to crash it into a building filled with thousands more innocent lives is beyond our understanding. What kind of religion would spur their members to commit mass murder like this?

We can have no defence against insanity and that's what happened that day...pure insanity. I'm simply amazed that there hasn't been a repeat of this insanity since that day. Maybe it's because even the most diehard terrorists realize that they have been driven by maniacal prophets instead of their gods.

There is no doubt that we've escaped further devastating terrorist attacks because of the diligence of the United States military and for that I'm very thnkful. I still believe that the United States should keep their troups out of foreign lands but that's another story.

I'll never forget the absolute shock of watching the news on T.V. that fateful day and seeing the second plane hit the Twin Towers and burst into flames. I was so in shock that it just wouldn't compute. I literally could not believe this was happening in the United States, our strong and protective neighbor. With realization that this was really happening at that moment, my next thought was how many people would lose their lives. Hard on the heels of this realization came the horrific images of the towers collapsing and I believe I was truly in physical shock at that moment.

The scenes were more horrible than any horror movie but it was reality we were seeing. Masses of people covered in white soot stumbled away from the wreckage with looks of terror on their faces. Armies of police officers and firefighters were racing in to help in any way they could. You knew that this was a moment in history that you would never forget or ever should. This was human nature at it's worst and the reason we should never forget is that it will teach us to be on guard to prevent it ever happening the holocaust. These two shameful events in history are proof of what human beings are capable of doing if we allow ourselves to degrade to our base instincts. We are and can be better than that.

There have often been stories that the holocaust never really happened and that was perpetuated by people who prefer to believe that no-one could commit such atrocities. But they can. Stories are circulating that the destruction of the Twin Towers was actually done by the United States government but that's so foolish. I agree that our government leaders are capable of inflicting damage on it's citizens in order to serve their own purposes but not something like this. This was done by religious zealots who had been brainwashed by their spiritual leaders to take as many American lives as they possibly could.

I'll be watching the televised events of 9/11 this weekend and feeling again the helplessness I felt on that day 10 years ago. I'll be watching and wondering again how people with a deep faith in their god could commit mass murder. And I'll once again feel an uneasy suspicion about the Moslem religion and how many of it's followers now reside in my country.

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