Sunday, September 04, 2011

Friends Again

My sister phoned me again this morning. She's phoned occasionally since our rift and I've always been polite to her but deep down inside I kept hoping for an apology for the way she'd treated me. I guess I have to accept that the apology won't be coming.

We chatted for a while, playing catch up on what's been happening in our lives over the past few months and she asked if I'd meet her for coffee today or tomorrow. I countered with an invitation for her and Jim to come to my house for coffee tomorrow and she half way accepted. She'll call tomorrow and let me know for sure.

My feelings for my sister haven't changed much since our rift. I love her but I'm slightly uncomfortable around her because of her temper that she takes out on everyone and anyone if she's mad enough. It's made me just want to stay away from her for a while but I know it isn't forever.

It's always more fun to be around people who are light at heart, happy in their own skin and who can laugh at whatever problems arise. It makes me tense if the person I'm with looks about to explode with anger at any given moment if something happens to irritate them. I don't want to waste my time with people like that.

I used to have a temper like that. It's hard for me to even believe that's true but it is. Over the years I've learned to control outbursts because that benefits everyone involved, including me. Maybe a bad temper stems from frustration in other areas of your life but these days I operate mostly in a calm atmosphere. I've also learned techniques to deal with my temper on the rare occasions that it rears it's ugly head. I stop, step back, and wait until I've gained control before I react. I've finally grown up! I understand that years ago I felt my whole life was in upheaval so there were very few calm and sane times when I could gain some form of control over myself. My life is so different now and, with it, the maturity and peace to become a better person.

I hope Sharon and Jim come up tomorrow. Maybe we can get back to the friendship that developed a few cracks a few months ago. I know we love each other and that's what is most important.

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