Monday, September 05, 2011

Truly Friends Again

Sharon and Jim did come up this morning and they brought me a Tim's coffee, too. We chatted for about an hour before Jim decided he needed to go sit in his car and have a nap so I asked Sharon if we could have a talk.

She didn't remember hanging up on me that fateful day but just thought she'd been a little curt. I was very tactful but managed to make her understand that she had hung up the phone on me 3 times that day and how it had made me feel. The last thing I wanted was for Sharon to be so hurt that I was confronting her that she'd run out the door but that didn't happen. She accepted her bad temper but didn't accept that she took it out on everyone around her. When I politely insisted that she did, she didn't put up a big argument.

I told her that no matter what she did, had temper tantrums or committed mass murder, I would always love her with all my heart but I wouldn't stand by and let her mistreat me. As we spoke, I watched her carefully to make sure I wasn't hurting her and it didn't seem to be the case. We both agreed that it was good to get things out in the open so we knew where we stood.

We kissed and hugged goodbye and made plans to meet for coffee next Sunday. And it was all done by me standing firm in not accepting rudeness but also being able to explain this to my sister without alienating her. I did good.

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