Monday, September 26, 2011

Gambling Bug

My daughter phoned me today and one the things we discussed was how wasteful and fruitless gambling was. Of course I agreed but I see nothing wrong with me going to the casino once a month instead of spending the money on cigarettes, booze, or any other frivolous vice that most of us have. Cindy is so like a few other people I know who just can't fathom that anyone could enjoy gambling. I countered with the fact that we all have our vices, things we could live without but that we like and choose to spend our money on.

The only problem with vices like this is if we spend more than we can afford or if we get ourselves into debt by indulging in them. I don't do either so I'm safe as far as I can tell. The casino is a place of entertainment for me that I go to once a month because that's all I can afford. Cindy called it an addiction but I think it's only an addiction if we are unable to stay away from it and our involvement is harming us.

Cindy suggested I'd be better off going to a dinner show once a month instead of to the casino but I really don't see the difference. I think we should do what we like within moderation and not worry about whether or not anyone else likes it. That's what I do and will continue doing.

I think I'll invite Cindy to go to the casino with me when I get back home next spring. I'm not making my monthly trip to the casino in October because that's when I have to send off one of my Florida lot rent payments. See, Cindy, I do gamble what I can afford!

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