Friday, September 16, 2011

Interesting Day

Yesterday was interesting for me in a few ways. I had my first session of radiation on my lip skin cancer and it went well just as I expected. Apparently, there won't be much showing on the sore until the 5th session and that's when the skin starts to redden. They told me there's a topographical cream available if it becomes too painful but most people I've talked to seem to think it won't get that bad. All and all, it's a small price to pay to get rid of something that could become deadly.

Then I had a nap in the afternoon because, even though I'm not outwardly upset, inside I'm under a lot of stress. I'm sleeping longer through the night, too, and I know it's all related to stress. That's okay, though, because it's something my body needs right now and naps are kind of pleasant.

I went out for dinner with Lisa, Kim, Cindy, and Tyson (Tyson was a pleasant surprise). We went to the Black Forest and the food was excellent as always. I hadn't been there in maybe two years but over a great many years their food never changes and it's always a wonderful place to dine. I was especially pleased to have Tyson with us because I just don't see him often enough. He's been living in North Bay going to university for 4-5 years and I bet I haven't seen him more than once a year in all that time. I adore him!

Back home I watched a bit of T.V. but then hit the sack early...9 P.M. I think I was asleep by 10 and then up at 7 this morning. A good long and much needed sleep to prepare me for whatever stress the day will bring. I can and will do it!

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