Wednesday, October 19, 2011

9 Year Old Designated Driver

Ever wonder why some people have such distorted views of right and wrong? Well, a little 9 year old girl who was driving her drunken father around town in the middle of the night was surprised when she was stopped by a cop and retorted, "Why did you stop me? I'm a good driver.".

Heaven only knows how this sick and selfish man has warped his little girl's thinking. Apparently they both think it's completely legal and appropriate for him to be drunk and using his 9 year old child to chauffeur him. He bragged about it on camera at a gas station they'd gone to at 3 A.M. Who taught him that this okay?

We can teach our children good morals and ethics but they also learn the wrong ones from us. They learn from watching the behaviour of their parents. When we lie or cheat, they are watching. Our transgressions can serve as their excuses for their own bad behaviour. If a father is capable of putting his child into a position like this and then being stupid enough to brag about it, what other examples has he set for her?

I had to laugh when one of his friends was interviewed and said that she wasn't happy that he was being presented in the news as a criminal because he was a good father. What???

Common sense, where art thou?

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