Tuesday, October 04, 2011

A Day in the Life

Well, my car decided to die on me yesterday but I did make it to the garage. Paul, a relative of some sort who does any repairs needed on my car, was just closing up but was kind enough to put my car inside his shop and then drive me home. I fretted about that damn car all evening and it wore me out so much that I fell asleep at 8:30 and slept until 8 this morning. Stress really does wear you out.

Faye came over this morning to drive me to the clinic for my radiation treatment...my lip looks ghastly and hurts...and then came back home with me for coffee. I called Paul to ask what he'd found out but had to wait for him to call me back with the results and the cost. I'd sort of thought it would be pretty cheap but it ended up costing over $400. Apparently the spark plug job I'd had done in Florida in April hadn't been done right. They'd used the wrong wires and put the distributor cap in incorrectly. I suppose I could go back to that garage and raise hell but what's the use?

Faye and Donna were over in the afternoon for our Swedish weaving so Faye drove me over to pick up the car. I'm really happy to have my cute little car back but it is getting old and now I have one more reason to trade her in next summer. I become terribly attached to my cars, though, and it will be hard to let this one go because I've had it since 2002.

My lip is hurting me almost constantly now and Tylenol has become my good friend. I've got 6 treatments to go and then I can relax and wait for it to heal. In everyone's life, a little rain must fall. It will be nice when my sunny days return.

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