Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Feeling Kind of Off

I'm not exactly feeling sick, just tired with a bit of an upset stomach. Luckily, I have nothing pressing to do so I just stayed in my jammies and went back to bed this morning. Now it's 2:30 P.M. and I'm still in my jammies but feeling better.

It's one of those ratty days in late October where we get some rain and overcast skies. The cold dampness makes me long for Florida but I'll be there soon. Shelley and I are leaving next week. I'll stay a week at her house and then go to my trailer park where I get to socialize and have fun every day all winter long and where there is no chance of snow. They say that grandchildren are your reward for reaching old age but I think you can add Florida, too.

My lip really has started to heal now but it still looks awful. It's supposed to take another 4 weeks before it's completely healed and I can deal with that. I consider myself lucky that I got treatment and that I'm otherwise fairly healthy. I saw some pretty sad cases while I was at the cancer clinic and it made me thankful that all I was dealing with was a small, shallow skin cancer that I'd been assured was almost 100% curable. Life isn't fair and you never know what you'll have to face so you need to be thankful for what is good.

Well, I just might get dressed now because I know it will make me feel even better. Funny how staying in jammies too long almost makes you feel like an invalid and I'm not that!

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