Thursday, October 27, 2011

Can't Get Motivated

It's like my damn lip is on my mind about 23+ hours a day and I can't get myself motivated to get my house in order to leave for Florida. I don't have tons of things to do but by now I've usually got most of it done and then I can easily finish up the day before I leave...but not this year.

My lip hurt a lot today and it's very hard for me to concentrate on anything when I'm in pain. It would be nice if there was someone else in the house so I could whine for sympathy. I don't like to burden my daughters but I may have to if this stupid thing keeps hurting because I'm really getting teed off with "the lip".

You'd think I'd be feeling pretty good and pampered because I had a pedicure, manicure, leg wax, face wax, and eyebrow wax today. This was a big deal for me because my usual pampering is a pedicure once a month but today's pampering was in preparation for leaving for Florida...I do this only once a year. But I felt cheated today because it's hard to enjoy any pampering when you hurt.

I think I'd be unbearable to be around if I hurt every day. Sigh!

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