Monday, October 31, 2011

Nice Weekend

Mary came on Saturday to stay over until Monday and we had such a nice time. We went to the casino around 3:30 and stayed until 10:30. I lost and she won. Then we came home and yakked until 2 A.M. Don't ever wonder what women will find to talk about because we have no problem.

We slept in late on Sunday but did get up and moving before company arrived. First Faye came over, then Kim, Shelley, Nolan, and Cindy. Then Sharon and Jim arrived so we had a really nice family get-together. Of course, most of the attention was on Nolan as he played. He's so adorable that it takes my breath away.

There's not much food in my house so Mary and I ordered pizza for supper. It was the first pizza I'd had in ages and I enjoyed it to the fullest. Mary stayed up later than me...I crashed before 10 P.M. and had a lovely night's sleep, getting up early to have coffee ready when Mary woke up. She's out there now making her instant oatmeal breakfast. I'm a lousy hostess!

Today Faye is going home with Mary to stay a few days and help her in her yard. I need to go to the bank for U.S. money and to pick up maps from CAA. I can't believe I'll be out of this cold weather in just a few days!!

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