Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Final Preparations

Shelley and I leave early tomorrow morning so today is my final day for cleaning house, packing, and finishing the yard. I've left an awful lot to the last minute but, in total, in won't take much time to complete it all. My lip hasn't healed up as much as I'd hoped it would but I think I had unrealistic expectations.

I'm doing laundry now and then will get the packing done. I need more clothes to take with me because I'm staying at Shelley's house for a week. I'm also taking the large suitcase because I'll need it for the cruise in January so I have lots of room to pack whatever I take tomorrow.

We're having a big family dinner at Kim's tonight so I'll take the food I have left in the fridge to her. That's another thing that's different...my fridge is fairly full so I haven't been careful enough in limiting my food shopping this past month. The problem with my lip has clouded my thinking in every other aspect, not letting me concentrate on the things that need doing before I head south for 5+ months.

Anyway, nothing lasts forever, not even this bloody big scab on my lip. It won't be long before I'm basking in the warmth of Florida and hanging out with fun friends. It will be a nicer world for me once the damned lip has healed.

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