Saturday, October 22, 2011

Looking Forward

In only a few weeks, I'll be in Tampa and enjoying my daughter's hospitality in her new house. It's a fascinating property that was built in 1929 and full of character. I've become a little familiar with the area because Shelley and John had a rental there last year so I can toddle off by myself to a few of the more familiar spots, such as Walmart!

I'm even starting to get into park mode, really thinking about the group of nice friends I have there and looking forward to seeing them again. We have a lot of traditions in place such as evening card games and Sunday morning breakfast at a local restaurant. I love the socializing especially because the people I hang out with are all treasures. There are cliques, of course, but they tend to blend easily with different groups so you get a lot of variety in your everyday friendships.

My lip is still gross but it should be okay by the time I get there, maybe not perfectly healed but at least not an embarrassment. I know no-one would care one bit about it but I'm really anxious to see healthy skin again. My big floppy hat came in the mail yesterday so I'm heading to Florida with lots of coverage.

It does worry me somewhat about the upcoming cruise in January but I'll just play it by ear and try not to expose myself to too much sun. That might mean forgetting about shore tours but that's definitely not the worst thing in the world. One thing I'll miss is the blissful feeling of warm sunshine on my face. That's forever a no-no. Who would ever have thought it?

Anyway, I do have lots of things to look forward to. Life is good!

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