Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Marilee's Afghan

Marilee, Kyran, and Faye dropped by this morning for coffee and Marilee got to see the Swedish weaving afghan I'm making for her. It's very close to finished and I'm hoping it will be done by Sunday when she leaves for home.

These afghans are so lovely when they're finished and I always give them to people I love. It doesn't make sense for me to put in the thousands of hours needed to complete one and then sell it to strangers for peanuts. I'd much rather one of my loved ones get to enjoy it. My enjoyment is in the creation.

I told Marilee how much our little weaving group at the park in Florida help each other. There's always someone with a novel idea on how to do something a little differently and usually nicer. It doesn't matter how many afghans you've made, you can always learn some new tricks to keep your interest fresh. Donna, who comes to my house here for our Swedish weaving get-togethers, has already come up with some great ideas that I'm looking forward to implementing. All it takes is imagination and an interest in the craft.

I should be finished Marilee's afghan by Saturday so I'll post pictures then.

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