Sunday, November 27, 2011

March 12, 2004 Thoughts

I've always been a writer of sorts, often emptying my soul with pen and paper, so it didn't surprise me to find the following article hidden inside an old notebook. I assume I'd had another of the ongoing fights with my husband...I'll never know why we fought so much but that's the past, over and done.

"There is beauty here. Even in the mounds of stinking, rotting garbage piles you can find a perfect healthy dandelion that has taken only the good from the depleted soil and managed to thrive.

Even in the most crime-ridden, poverty driven gettoes can we see the shining, smiling face of a child still innocent..for a while.

Even in the rat race of movers and shakers can we see one human being in repose, one who has stepped outside the frantic pace for just a moment to lift his face to the sun.

Funny how easy it is to see the beauty in life. We only have to look beyond the ugliness.

I am a watcher, a seeker of truths but everywhere I look I see untruths. Maybe the truth is not in us.

Do you see what I see? Do you hear what I hear? Then why do we still have hope?

Today is Saturday, March 12, 2004. I'm sitting on the patio of my Florida trailer enjoying a warm, sunny, peaceful day. Saturday afternoons are usually quiet here because many of the residents go shopping. I'm feeling very introspective but will accept what comes. Life is too short to be unhappy but somehow I've managed to..."

And there it ends. At that moment I had no idea that the man I'd been married to since I was 17 would soon begin his year long struggle with esophagus cancer, one he'd lose on July 20, 2005. I do know that, on March 12,2004 he was a strong and healthy man.

I was right about one is too short to be unhappy. We could have done better if we'd only known how.

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