Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Honda Saga

I went over to Tampa on Monday and took the car into Tampa Trans, the shop that charged me $2000 to fix the transmission when I got to Florida. Funny, but the car ran really well all the way over there but I wanted it checked out by them anyway. Shelley met me at IHOP which is just a short walk from the shop and then drove me to her house. If nothing else, the trip was worth having a couple of days with Shelley.

Nicole was at the dentist but got home in time for all of us to go out and meet John for lunch. Then it was back to Shelley's to just chill until dinnertime. Sometimes it seems like my life revolves around meals.

On Tuesday, Shelley and I stopped by the shop to see about the car because we hadn't heard from them. The shop owner told me they'd checked the transmission and it was fine but he thought I might have a problem with the head gasket or the fuel injector. He said he didn't have the equipment to check those things, though. All I understood was that it was going to cost a lot of money to have the car fixed if either of those things were malfunctioning. I let my mind shift back to the possibility that I'd be flying home instead of driving.

We left the car there so we could go shopping and Shelley got some terrific buys at Kohls. Then we went to TJMax and she got some more great buys. I only bought a big mug all day. Now, Shelley doesn't like shopping and only went because I asked her to but she ended up saving a fortune on the things she bought. Shopping can be good.

One more sleep at Shelley's and then I left for 3W this morning. The car drove very, very well. Now I'm back to thinking that Mickey was right all along and all the car needed was the additive in the gas tank to clean the fuel injector. It really does seem to be getting better every time I drive it. Also, the local shop who put in 2 sensors (haven't a clue what for) and said it might take some driving for them to kick in...maybe that's why the car is driving better. I don't know but I'm going to have the whole winter to test drive it.

It's cold today for Florida...low 60's and a strong wind. Shelley loves this kind of weather but I'll be happier when it's around 75 degrees. I don't need pool weather, just comfy weather.

Oh yes, and some excellent news. Faye's rental is all settled and she and Gary will be here for 3 months. I'm so happy because I'd about given up hope on them finding a place here. They'll be right across the road from me!! Now to hope she enjoys it enough to come back next year...she'd said this winter would be her last one in Florida.

Well, now maybe I can squeeze in a nap before dinner and Bingo.

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