Friday, November 25, 2011

That's Life

I phoned the shop where they've been trying since Tuesday to fix my car and was told the car wasn't there...he was joking. Then he told me they'd set fire to the damn thing...he was joking but I understood his frustration with "the damn thing". Those good people had inspected every part and test driven it numerous times all without success in finding out what was wrong with it. And they never charged me a dime because they said they won't charge if they can't fix. They are my favorite car repair shop in the world even if they couldn't find the problem.

I'd had my coffee morning and was jabbering away to the ladies about the car and that I was waiting for Sylvia and Mickey to get back from shopping to take me over to pick it up. I got 2 offers on the spot for a drive over and took Myrna up on her kind offer. She and her husband, Wendell, drove me first to the post office and then to the shop where I got my car and they made inquiries into having their brakes fixed. They'll be in good hands!

Since I needed to get gas and then drive the car a bit to see how it was running, I made my way to the internet casino where I spent about 3 hours relaxing. By the time I left for home, I was up $5. The car, by the way, sputtered a couple of times during the drive.

I am so happy to have my faulty little car back so I don't have to depend on others to drive me around. Sometimes I just feel like taking off by myself, too. I'll take the car to Tampa on Monday to the transmission shop and let them take it apart again... this time I hope they get it right. To be honest, I'm almost accepting that I'll be flying home in April but my biggest problem with that is I'm not sure what the legal status is for leaving a Canadian car in the States. I'm wondering if I can just donate it to a tech school for kids to learn how to take cars apart but I won't worry about that until it either stops working or until March. I've got enough to worry about without burdening myself with "what ifs". I'll also need to contact the insurance company back home if I leave it here. Oh well, all in good time.

Life is...well, maybe not perfect but it is what it is.

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