Monday, December 05, 2011


There are some wicked stories in the news these days about people who take it upon themselves to end the lives of another person or persons. Something inside the minds of these people allows them to viciously murder someone because that person angered them in some way.

Wives who decide they don't want to be married anymore have lost their lives because of husbands who believe they have the right to kill them. Mothers who decide they don't want the burden of raising their child believe they have the right to murder the child. Where do these people get off thinking they have the right to murder someone who offends them or disrupts their lives?

I understand that we all justify any and every decision we make, whether it be for the good or not, but how do these husbands and mothers justify playing god and deciding who will live and who will die? What is even more frightening is that some murderers carry on with their own lives as though they have done nothing wrong. It's as though they are capable of leaving the past in the past and don't let any sins or crimes they've committed interfere with their future. Are they all so selfish that they can fool themselves this easily?

I saw on a T.V. interview how some high school students bullied a young girl so badly that she couldn't cope and ended up committing suicide. One of the bullies whined to her interviewers how hard it was for her to be judged badly by other students now. She just wished all could be forgiven and forgotten so she could go on her merry way without any consequences for her actions. How can she be so blind?

There's also much in the news about pedophiles in high ranking positions taking sexual advantage of children under their control. I can only imagine that they view themselves as more important than anyone else and their pleasures more important than the ruination of the children they prey on. Again, what is worse than a sick pedophile is how many so-called "normal" people know that the abuse is occurring but choose to ignore it and allow it to go on for years. Not only the pedophile needs to be imprisoned but also anyone who aided and abetted the abuse.

I'm at the point right now where I'm so sick of the ugliness I see on the news that maybe I should stop watching for a while.

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