Sunday, December 18, 2011

Teaching Them How To Wash

I'm still steaming from the latest excuse for a pedophile to be naked in the shower with a child....teaching them how to wash themselves!!! I think back to when I was teaching my own children and grandchildren how to bathe and it never involved me touching them. I pointed things out that needed doing. How can anyone believe that Sandusky was only naked in the shower with a 10 year old boy so that he could teach him how to wash himself? If this creature goes free because a juror buys his lies, he'll continue to molest children. How do people like this live with themselves?

I also have a hard time understanding how a lawyer can defend him. How can anyone try to convince a jury to set this pedophile free to continue abusing children? It's a mystery to me how and why Sandusky has been allowed to do this for so many years without someone...his wife, for one...stopping him. Maybe crimes like this will become rare now that the victims feel freer about confronting and charging pedophiles for the abuse they suffered. We can only hope.

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